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how Habitat Pittsburg works

how Habitat Pittsburgh works

With a little help, we all have the potential to stand on our own. The key is homeownership. Habitat Pittsburgh works with local, limited-income families to achieve their dream of owning a decent, affordable home. Through our program families are able to eliminate barriers to a better, healthier, more financially stable life.


Families apply to Habitat Pittsburgh's Homeownership Program. Families must currently be living in substandard housing, have a steady income, and be willing to partner with Habitat Pittsburgh. Learn more about family qualifications.


Sponsors and donors contribute financial resources which allow us to purchase the tools and materials necessary to build or rehabilitate a home. You can a part of this vital work, donate today.


Houses or empty lots are donated or purchased by Habitat Pittsburgh, materials are gathered and construction begins. Learn more about making a tax-deductible donation, of land, property, or building materials. 


Volunteers help build homes alongside families currently in the program and Habitat Pittsburgh construction supervisors. No previous experience or skill is required. Learn more about our volunteer opportunities.


Future homeowners in the program prepare for homeownership by completing financial literacy classes to help them manage debt and budget for the future. Families also complete 350 hours of work called "Sweat Equity" alongside volunteers on their future homes.


Homes are sold to families through an affordable, 30-year, no-interest mortgage.


The cycle repeats. Homeowner mortgages are invested in future Habitat Pittsburgh homeownership projects, helping even more limited-income families in our community. 

how families qualify for a Habitat Pittsburgh home

To purchase a Habitat Pittsburgh home, families must meet these three qualifications.

Homeowner Qualifications

steady source of income


Our program is a hand-up, not a hand-out. Habitat Pittsburgh homes are sold to families with an affordable, no-interest mortgage. Each family must demonstrate a steady income that is within our income guidelines.

current need for housing


We work to empower families to achieve decent shelter. Families must currently be living in substandard conditions. This may include your current residence having safety concerns, health risks, high crime, or being overcrowded. 

willing to partner with us


Families work hard to purchase their home. A family must be willing to work with Habitat Pittsburgh.  This includes working alongside volunteers on Habitat Pittsburgh projects, and taking part in financial literacy classes to help manage debt and budget for the future. 

how families benefit from a Habitat Pittsburgh home

A decent place to live can remove barriers to opportunity, success, and health.



Habitat Pittsburgh homes are sold to homebuyers with an affordable 30-year mortgage with 0%, fixed-rate interest. We work with homebuyers to ensure that their new home is affordable based on their income. Payments range from $450 to $800 per month (including taxes and insurance), depending on the size and location of their home. 



Habitat Pittsburgh homes provides families with a save, and secure home environment. Better, affordable living conditions have been shown to positively impact health and childhood development, while allowing families to invest in education and new opportunities. 



Habitat Pittsburgh provides families in our homeownership program with homeownership training and financial literacy courses. This training equips families with 30 hours of knowledge, covering debt management, predatory lending, credit repair and management, savings and investments, and budgeting. 



Owning a home allows families to build wealth for their family’s future, and pass on a legacy to their children.

East Liberty Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh Homeowner

East Liberty Habitat Pittsburgh Homeowner

how communities benefit from a Habitat Pittsburgh

Strong and stable homes help build strong and stable communities.

our service territory

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh Service Territory



Stronger, healthier communities are built by decent, affordable homeownership. Communities become more economically stable as blight and vacancy are reduced and the number of taxpayers increases. Decent homeownership also attracts economic investors and developers. This can create a positive cycle of investment in a neighborhood, of which community members can be a part. 



Habitat Pittsburgh homeowners are not just invested in their communities financially. The pride our homeowners have for their home extends to the surrounding community. We encourage Habitat Pittsburgh homebuyers to actively engage with the surrounding community. Habitat Pittsburgh invites community members to begin fostering a neighborly bond by volunteering alongside future our homeowners.

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6435 Frankstown Ave, Suite 100

Pittsburgh, PA 15206


OUR MISSION is to bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope in Allegheny County.

OUR VISION is a world where everyone has a decent place to call home.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Any charitable gifts are tax-deductible. 

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